----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Brian E Carpenter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Randy Bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Michael Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: Flow Label

> > Randy,
> >
> > The proposed new words for 2460 effectively say
> > - you don't have to set it
> > - you don't have to look at it
> > - you mustn't change it
> >
> > I don't think encourages kludge significantly more than MBZ text, but it
> > does allow for future usage.
> as I see it, the proposed words let us get Flow Label off our
> plates for now, which is good because we don't know what to do
> with it anyway.  maybe someday someone wall make a convincing
> case for how to use it.  for now, other things are probably more
> worthy of attetion.
> Keith
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

For people that build serious (reliable) networks, outside of the research
and academic worlds, those 20 bits will be very useful. They also help to
free up (and use) 16 more bytes in the IPv6 Header. In order to fill out
the 48 byte ATM payloads, it would be good to have the ability to add
up to 8 additional bytes beyond the IPv6 Header. The easiest way to do
that is to use 3 bits of the Protocol Field for the extended length, 1-8 and
an isolated Protocol value for the case where there are 0 extended bytes.
This will yield a 1-24 byte data field in the 48 byte payload. With vPC
wide-pipe encoding, those 24 bytes will on average be able to carry about
18 bytes of data from 6 streams (flows). That can be 3 8-bit voice samples,
which is not a bad sample rate, and key-strokes and telnet chat can ride
in the gaps.

The code should only take a few hours to test....

Jim Fleming

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