Jim and all,

> Differentiate the need for an Intranet vs an Internet.
> Most DHC is deployed on Intranets.  Ralph has responded to you and I
> concur.

I guess we are talking about "what is the best for ISP-to-Customer
(PE-to-CPE) prefix delegation", correct?

Then, there seems three proposals shown below for this purpose. What is your
opinion for each proposed mechanism?

(APD) draft-haberman-ipngwg-auto-prefix-02.txt
(DHCPv6+PD option) draft-troan-dhcpv6-opt-prefix-delegation-00.txt
(RA+PD option) draft-lutchann-ipv6-delegate-option-00.txt

I believe everyone here agrees that zero-configuration environment is very
important for the deployment of IPv6, because we know IPv6 should realize an
world where not only technical people but also much more non-technical
people can enjoy the global address and always-on environment.

To achieve zero-configuration for "ISP-to-Customer (PE-to-CPE) prefix
delegation", we had better have a global consensus about which mechanism is
minimally required for this purpose. Many mechnisms for the same purpose
will make it difficult to achieve zero-configuration enviroment, because CPE
should know which to use before runnning an auto-configuration protocol
among many choices.

My opinion is:

(APD) a good choice for a minimamlly required protocol for prefix delegation
(DHCPv6+PD option) for those who want to more auto-configured parameters
other than site-prefix
(RA+PD option) can be used at only P-to-P enviroment and it is too


Here is an ppt presentation about the "temporally" conclusion of IPv6
engineers mostly in Japan about this issue.
It's a little old because there were no DHCPv6 nor RA proposals for prefix
delegation when we discussed, but comments and opinions are very welcome.

---Toshi Yamasaki / NTT Communications

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