
> I also think DHCP and what not should not be used for router 
> configuration.

In the military I had a seargent tell me once opinions are like rectums
every one has one.

Thats all this is and your entitled to it.

But I don't really care about your opinion or others on what should be
used or not used from the work we do in the IETF.  What I care about is
if you  find a technical hole or error in our protocol specifications or
interoperablity issues.

Deployment of IPv6 and what is used and not used will not be decided on
this list and the people that have the money and authority to make those
decisions are not evening listening to these discussions.

Lets not fool our egoes and think the market listens to these
discussions they do not.

They do listen to other lists for sure but not the IETF lists.

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