At 02:28 PM 3/7/2002 -0500, Rob Austein wrote:

>1) The portions of DHCP that are required for post-addr-conf (sorry,
>    don't have a better name for this) are pretty minimal, and I'm
>    pretty sure that one can write conforming DHCP clients and servers
>    that only implement that part of the DHCP spec (more precisely, the
>    only thing that such implementations would have to do with the
>    complex part of the spec would be to ignore the messages without
>    crashing).  Ralph, please correct me if I'm wrong about this.

Rob - yes, DHCP clients and servers that don't do address assignment
can be implemented to discard other messages and options that are not
of interest.  For DNS configuration, clients and server would only
need to implement the Information-Request and Reply messages, which
are used in a two message exchange.

- Ralph

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