----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Markku Savela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I say "toss the /64 boundary from the address architecture". Return it
> back to original prefix=m, id=n bits format consistently.

1. Do you really think that people are going to want to place their hardware-specific 
in the address fields ?

2. Have you considered the merits of placing "time-stamps" in the 128-bit DNS fields ?
....for the 4D Internet, where time becomes a dimension....

3. Have you considered how the 128-bit DNS is used with other protocols, besides IPv6 ?

4. What has the ICANN Board and staff decided on this ?...isn't there an ASO ?

5. Have you seen a 2 dimensional object ?...such as a shadow....length and width and 
no depth...
...are you familiar with 3D ?....length, width, and depth ?

6. Have you read the book Flatland by Edwin Abbott ?

7. Have you spent much time learning about the Next Generation Internet ?
...3D and the governance structures...etc...

8. Do you think people are stupid ?...and will jump off the I* society cliff when told 
to jump...?

Jim Fleming
2002:[IPv4]:000X:03DB:...IPv8 is closer than you think...

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