On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> At 10:08 PM 8/11/02 , Michel Py wrote:
> >Here is what I propose so we don't bore this WG to death:
> >
> >In Atlanta, both kre and I get a 5-minute slot to present.
> It is much better to bore the WG to death on the mailing list than it
> is to do it in person :-)/2.

Agree :-)
> More seriously, there are three reasons why I don't think that this
> is a good plan:
>          - The WG is here, on the mailing list.  Only a small portion
>                  of the WG will be represented at the meeting in Atlanta.
>          - There is no reason to wait until November for a resolution
>                  on this issue.

Also agree, the second point most of all.  We shouldn't be delaying 
address architecture if we can avoid that.
> >Then we ask the following question to the floor:
> >
> >"Let's imagine that the 'u' bit does not exist. Do we remove the parts
> >that mandate an address to be /64, or don't we".
> >
> >If the floor says that we toss the /64 boundary, my vote goes to
> >suppress the 'u' bit so this can happen. If the floor says that we keep
> >the /64 boundary, then my vote goes to keep the 'u' bit for the time
> >being, as it does not harm anybody.
> There is no reason not to ask these questions here, on the mailing list.
> The response we are looking for isn't a "vote", however...

Sure, and it is a bit difficult to get a feel of consensus on an issue 
so many people are neutral about or ignorant of.
> The current situation with the addressing architecture is that we have
> established a consensus of the WG to make two changes to the document 
> (described in Bob's mail) and send it (back) to the IESG for consideration 
> as a draft standard.
> I have not seen a level of response to this thread that would lead me to 
> question that consensus.  Have you?

FWIW, I agree with Robert Elz's suggestions.

Perhaps this question should be posed (with appropriate executive summary
and a different topic) for the w.g. members to consider (for example a
week or two would probably be enough).
Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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