At Wed, 30 Oct 2002 22:14:44 -0800, Tony Hain wrote:
> ...I think I have simply been focused on defending a discussion
> settled so long ago that most of the interested parties have assumed
> it is done and they don't need to stay engaged.

Since a check of the mailing list archive shows that the bulk of the
traffic on site-local addresses over the years has come from people
who quite obviously are still here (a tribute to their stamina, if not
necessarily their good sense :), I'm curious about who these many
interested but disengaged parties might be.

I would also respectfully suggest that comments like:

At Wed, 30 Oct 2002 14:57:29 -0800, Tony Hain wrote:
> Please don't interpret the ranting of a few as representing anything
> close to consensus of a very large WG.

are inappropriate, and say more about how much attention you're paying
to the feedback we're getting from implementors than they do about
whomever you were trying to insult in that message.
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