
I am not trying to attack, to the contrary I think I have simply been
focused on defending a discussion settled so long ago that most of the
interested parties have assumed it is done and they don't need to stay
engaged. The only personal comment I am aware of was pointing out that
you were asking for people to state why SL was necessary, but every time
someone did you dismissed it out of hand because it didn't fit your
policy of how a network should be run. That was not intended as a
personal attack, so much as a wake up call to what was going on.

You have a valid argument about making developers of multi-party apps
aware that scope boundaries represent a new adventure that is not well
defined yet. That does not automatically translate into the condition
that all uses of SL are invalid (particularly 2 party ones). So instead
of trying to blanket ban or restrict use of SL, state where the known
pitfalls are, and let's move on.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:moore@;] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 5:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Limiting the Use of Site-Local 
> > That summarizes it well.
> and it appears to me that you are trying to attack me 
> personally rather than actually make credible arguments in 
> favor of using SL.

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