> if my memory serves me right we had consensus on limiting site-locals
> somewhat, i.e not pushing multi-site support.

e.g. perhaps.  not i.e.   the question wasn't nearly that precise.
(which is part of why I objected to the question being asked in that way)
> we also had consensus that _working_ on non-routable global PI
> addresses sounded like an interesting idea.

again, I think that's a slight rephrasing.  this question wasn't 
precise either but there was clearly widespread interest and belief
that global PI addresses would relieve some of the burden on SLs.

> until we see some real proposals on the table, there is nothing to
> reach consensus about with regards to GUPIs.

nobody is claiming consensus on any specific GUPI proposal yet -
we're still trying to figure out what the issues are and the 
general shape of something that might fly.

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