
> Margaret Wasserman wrote:
> The IPv6 WG putting a "MUST" in a spec does not put
> code in a router.

That is an interesting point of view, for sure. It has worked so far,
why would this change?

> There are already implementations of IPv6 that do
> not "black-hole" this set of TBD globally-unique,
> provider-independent addresses, so our solution must
> not depend on all routers black-holing packets
> to/from these addresses.

Fortunately these will have their software updated many times in the
next few years, and the solution does not depend on _all_ routers. The
success of the solution depends on the comfort level of network
administrators in assessing that the _majority_ of routers implement the

> In order to be useful, globally-unique/provider-independent
> addresses need to be routable.  To be maximally useful, the
> routing boundaries for these addresses need to be set by
> administrators, not automatically enforced at specific
> routing protocol (or other) boundaries.

I used *default* in my posting, obviously I should have used DEFAULT

The subject of this thread is "Enforcing unreachability of site local
addresses", not creating a new PI space.


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