
First, my apologies for the delayed reply.  Response inline.


On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:

> > My memory of the discussions accords with the summary given by Keith
> > above.  In addition, the general tenor of the discussion indicated to
> > me
> > that the two issues were linked: that consensus on limiting site-locals
> > was contingent upon initiation of an effort to design a workable scheme
> > for privately-routable PIs, with the global routing of PIs left for
> > subsequent discussion.
> So the remaining question besides the PI issue would be to define
> "limit" then?
Perhaps my use of the term "limit" was a bit ambiguous.  I intended this
to refer to the proposal, agreed to at the Atlanta IETF, to restrict the
use of site-local addressing to within the boundaries of the local site;
specifically, to prohibit the use of site-local addressing for transport
or end-system addresses for any traffic which leaves the boundary of the
site.  Given the concensus at IETF 55 on this matter I hadn't imagined
that further definition should be necessary, but the wording of my text
was admittedly less than perfectly clear.



> - kurtis -

AEBeard Consulting; 4109 Chelsa Ln; Lakeland FL 33809

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