Alper Yegin wrote:
I don't quite understand this... All CN knows is the RCoA of the MN. Only LCoA can reveal the location of the MN within the network.
And CN cannot figure out LCoA by looking at RCoA.

What's the difference between a RCoA and a LCoA of a same MN? In my understanding only the /64 prefix differs. The RCoA prefix is valid on the MAP subnet and the LCoA prefix is valid in the AR subnet.

A CN is presented with the RCoA.  A CN can have "out-of-band"
knowledge about the prefixes valid under various ARs.  Based on this
input, a CN can build the LCoA corresponding to the RCoA.

That's what I was trying to say, but maybe I fail somewhere.

This is so much like what NAT does as far as hiding LCoA is concerned.

To me, there are some common points, but there are also huge differences. I'm thinking about in NAT there is a specific set of types of addresses (the not publicly-routable) that can be reused by any site at will. However, with HMIPv6, the LCoAs must be globally unique.


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