Sorry; yes I have read that draft and plan to comment on it. My remarks had to do with the "Choice A" approach of removing SLs without advancing that draft (or something else) _at the same time_.

--On Tuesday, August 05, 2003 10:00 -0700 Fred Templin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hans Kruse wrote:

There is real danger here;  I have already started to see mailing list
discussion going something like:
Q. What address prefix do I use for this network before I get my
provider prefix?
A1. Use FECO (Site Local).
A2. No, No, FECO has been outlawed by the IETF, just invent a prefix!

I have seen the 2002 mapping of RFC 1918 suggested.

"Private" space will appear -- I want a version that is thought out,
that is well documented and understood, not a mish-mash of hijacked
prefixes and IPv6'afied RFC1918 stuff.

Perhaps you havn't seen 'draft-hinden-ipv6-global-local-addr-02.txt'?


Hans Kruse, Associate Professor J. Warren McClure School of Communication Systems Management Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Ohio University, Athens, OH, 45701 740-593-4891 voice, 740-593-4889 fax -------------------------------------------------------------------- IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List IPng Home Page: FTP archive: Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------

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