
  The thing is, they're not just for 802.11. RFC 5931 uses them too.


On Thu, October 18, 2012 9:12 am, Sean Turner wrote:
> Dan,
> After talking it over the preferred* approach to answer the 802.11
> request is to include them in the IKEv1 registry (as suggested by
> Michael R.) with a tweaked note.  Rationale being that if you used what
> I suggested you'd have to make sure two registries were updated if a
> change was made to the registry at some later time. i.e.,:
> Value
> -----
> 27
> ...
> y
> Group
> -----
> Reserved for 802.11 Brainpool Group 1
> ...
> Reserved for 802.11 Brainpool Group n
> Description
> -----------
> This specification
> ...
> This specification
> Notes
> -----
> Only for 802.11 - Not for use with IKEv1
> Only for 802.11 - Not for use with IKEv1
> Only for 802.11 - Not for use with IKEv1
> spt
> * I say preferred because you can try another approach if you want.
> On 10/18/12 10:58 AM, Sean Turner wrote:
>> Dan,
>> There's not need to ask the IESG about the process to update the
>> registry in question it's clear: RFC required.  You can get an RFC
>> through a WG, through an AD, or through the ISE.
>> spt
>> On 10/15/12 10:54 PM, Dan Harkins wrote:
>>>    Hi Sean,
>>> On Mon, October 15, 2012 5:00 pm, Sean Turner wrote:
>>>> On 10/12/12 2:32 AM, Dan Harkins wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, October 11, 2012 5:47 pm, Sean Turner wrote:
>>>>>> I'm going to run my proposal and Michael's by the IESG on an
>>>>>> informal
>>>>>> telechat to see which one's got the best chance of getting through
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> process to resolve the IEEE's request.
>>>>>     Can you ask the IESG to just do what it has done in the past?
>>>>> That
>>>>> is,
>>>>> just update the registry to include code points for new curves
>>>>> without
>>>>> any bizarre notes or pointers? No fuss, no mess, just a few new rows
>>>>> in a table.
>>>>>     The worst that could happen if the IESG agrees to do that is that
>>>>> someone
>>>>> somewhere might use a brainpool curve with IKEv1. The odds are slim,
>>>>> but they're not zero. And if that happens then so what? Really. So
>>>>> what?
>>>> The RFC 5114 example wasn't published to address another SDO request
>>>> for
>>>> a code point so I don't think it's the same situation.
>>>    That's certainly a distinction but I don't see how that matters. You
>>> could also
>>> note that RFC 5114 added MODP groups as well as ECP groups. Also a
>>> distinction that really doesn't matter.
>>>    Again, the SDO request is a _by-product_ of the opposition to just
>>> letting
>>> Johannes' draft update the registry. It is this same opposition that is
>>> creating
>>> these problems about notes and pointers and the concern over whether
>>> they
>>> will have the desired effect and what we should do to ensure they do.
>>> If this
>>> opposition had not materialized there never would've been another SDO
>>> request.
>>>    It is the same situation, indulge me here a bit:
>>>    What we had was another organization (NIST) came up with some new DH
>>> groups and there was a proposal to add them to both IKEv1 and IKEv2
>>> registries. And now, quite similarly, there's another organization
>>> (the ECC
>>> Brainpool) that came up with some new DH groups and there was a
>>> proposal
>>> to add them to both IKEv1 and IKEv2 registries.
>>>    When the proposal was made to add the NIST groups to the IKEv1
>>> registry there was no hullabaloo over updating a deprecated protocol's
>>> registry and there was no concern that someone somewhere might use
>>> the NIST groups with IKEv1.
>>>    But when Johannes made his proposal to add the ECC Brainpool curves
>>> to the IKEv1 registry there was all of a sudden a hullabaloo and much
>>> concern that someone somewhere might use the ECC Brainpool groups
>>> with IKEv1.
>>>    So my request to you is to ask that the IESG consider what the
>>> process
>>> defined for updating this registry is (it's RFC required) and to note
>>> that
>>> there is precedence to update the registry of this deprecated protocol.
>>> So please ask the IESG to just approve a draft (either Johannes' or
>>> mine)
>>> for publication as an RFC to update this registry in the same manner
>>> that
>>> RFC 5114 updated it (i.e. no notes, no pointers, no nonsense).
>>>     Then there'd be no need for the IESG to have a discussion about the
>>> (de)merits of notes and pointers in registries and how best to ensure
>>> that
>>> no one nowhere ever even thinks about using an ECC Brainpool curve in
>>> IKEv1 and that certainly sounds like a better use of everyone's time.
>>>    regards,
>>>    Dan.
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