Faster and more secure seem to be compelling reasons. Those reasons are
probably more compelling for ESP than they are for IKE.

  The license for OCB always had some caveats like the code could not be used for military purposes which is something of a nightmare for a manufacturer of
general purpose hardware/software. Considering how difficult it would be to
ensure that your product is never used by a military anywhere in the world,
that's probably enough of a reason for TLS to not support it. Remember how
long ECC was delayed for (imagined) IP reasons?

  IP is bad news. People don't want anything to do with partially encumbered technology. Now this technology is not encumbered at all so, yea, let's do it.

  If an individual draft was to appear would the WG adopt it as a work item?



On 2/28/21 1:47 PM, Yoav Nir wrote:
IIRC the license has allowed OCB to be used for TLS for several years. They haven’t taken it up. There are no AES-OCB ciphersuites in

So I’m wondering right with you: It has a theoretical advantage in security and a measurable advantage in speed in software.  Neither were compelling enough for anyone to bother adding it in TLS ciphersuites.  Why should our conclusion be any different?


On 28 Feb 2021, at 22:35, Paul Wouters < <>> wrote:

So now that OCB is finally free, do we want to implement it? :)

I'm honestly not sure if the improvements of AES-GCM are worth it.
I haven't heard of vulnerabilities in IKE/ESP wrt. IVs or counters.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2021 14:37:30
From: "Salz, Rich via cryptography" < <>> To: " <>" < <>>
Subject: [Cryptography] Direct public confirmation from Dr. Rogaway :

I can confirm that I have abandoned all OCB patents

and placed into the public domain all OCB-related IP of mine.

While I have been telling people this for quite some time, I don't

think I ever made a proper announcement to the CFRG or on the

OCB webpage. Consider that done.

I hope people will use the scheme to do positive things.


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