> > The problem is that there are two types of uses for local
> > addresses:
> > 
> > 1. To number systems/interfaces that are only accessible from withing
> > the local network.
> > 
> > 2. To have stable addresses for systems/interfaces regardless of
> > intermittant external connectivity and renumbering.

There is at least one other potential use:

3. to number systems/interfaces that are attached to networks that don't
   have connectivity to the public internet

Note that this is not the same as #1, since such networks can still 
talk with other networks, and some of the other networks might have
public internet connectivity.  Whether my #3 is just a more accurate
way of expressing the intent behind #1, I cannot tell.  (#1 could
be interpreted as "to number systems/interfaces that are only intended
to be accessible from within the local network", but that might or 
might not be what was intended.)

> It's true that we *know* these addresses will be good for 1., and we
> don't know whether they will be useful for all aspects of 2. So the
> draft could indicate this.

Actually I'm not sure that it's even reasonable to say this, at least
given the way #1 is worded.   Before we can really say that it's 
reasonable to assign local addresses to hosts that are only accessible
on a local network (while allowing the possibility that other hosts
on that local network have external connectivity) we need to understand
how applications that perform address referrals will work.  If those
apps need to treat local addresses differently than global addresses,
it might not be appropriate to assign local addresses to hosts attached
to networks that have external connectivity, even if those hosts aren't
intended to communicate externally, since that would affect the
ability of applications on those hosts to interoperate with other hosts
on the same network that did have external connectivity.


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