James Kempf wrote:

Are there any precedents? What has IETF done in other cases where specs have
been rev-ed?

The only case I personally know of is Mobile IPv4, in which the
author/editor name was not changed when a new revision was put out, but
perhaps there are others where different procedures were followed.

I guess all this depends on the amount of modifications. When SIP was revised from RFC 2542 to RFC 3261 or when EAP is being revised from RFC 2284, authors were indeed added. But in both cases the changes were quite significant, approaching a complete rewrite, even if the protocol itself stayed the same and backwards compatibility was retained.

My take is that if the changes are small corrections here and
there, the new editors (if different) deserve to be mentioned in
the contributors or acknowledgements sections. If the changes
are significant, including rewrites of complete sections or
addition of new functions, then they should be listed at the
top, after the original authors. If the case falls somewhere
in between... one way could be to list the original authors
as they are and after them add the new editor as "Mr.
NewEditor (ed)".


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