
I philosophically agree with you.  Then lets be consistent and document
this possibly with rfc-editor document.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Narten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 9:05 PM
> To: Bound, Jim
> Cc: James Kempf; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Authors Section on recyle clarifications to 2461and 2462 
> Jim,
> > If we had to recycle 2460 and Steve is still gone and Bob 
> Hinden don't 
> > have time (which I guess is the case with Erik and Thomas) would we 
> > add another name to the IPv6 specification?  I don't 
> believe we would 
> > out of respect to Steve.
> And who on earth would be willing to author a document if 
> they couldn't even get credit for the work that they put into 
> the revision?
> While I don't see a need make significant revisions to 2460, 
> I don't think it's healthy to associate individuals with 
> documents to the point where it becomes impossible to 
> conceive of any change in the authorship of a document 
> because of history. Each new version of a document should 
> stand on its own merits, and if a new editor/author has done 
> significant work, they should be acknowledged for it, quite 
> possibly by being listed as a new or additional author. But 
> again, talking hypotheticals is not so productive here. This 
> sort of conversation is best held when it has become clear 
> how much work was put into a document and by who.
> Thomas

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