At 08:10 22/10/2003, Brian Haberman wrote:
This is a IPv6 working group last call for comments on advancing the
following document as an Proposed Standard:

        Title           : Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses
        Author(s)       : R. Hinden, B. Haberman
        Filename        : draft-ietf-ipv6-unique-local-01.txt
        Pages           : 15
        Date            : 2003-9-24

Please send substantive comments to the ipv6 mailing list, and minor
editorial comments to the authors.  This last call period will end on 5
November 2003.


- section 3.2 of the document includes recommendations on fees that are not appropriated to be included in a Proposed Standard. The document should limit to recommend the establishment of a central registry and suggesting a fee in a recovery basis fashion.

- section 13.0 is not clear in the requirements under which the IANA should design the central authority.

- While my first thought is that unique local IPv6 Unicast Addresses would be useful, I have realized that there are still serious doubts on this point and the impact of the introduction of them.

Based on these considerations, I think that more discussion on this document is necessary.


Raul Echeberria

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