Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> Thus spake "Alain Durand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> > >I meant PA because that is all that is in the implementors and
> > >registries' hands today. Actually any form of PI would do (they are
> > >all equally unrouteable today). I regard the Hinden/Haberman addresses
> > >as an easy-to-create form of PI.
> >
> > I meant traceable, potentially routable PI. Hinden/Haberman addresses
> > are not traceable (in the sense that looking at the prefix I can tell
> > who it belongs to), and this is a big difference.
> I also object to this part of the draft as well.  IMHO, the registry should
> list who the registrant is for a particular prefix, but not allow non-exact
> searches.  

I think there are privacy and secrecy-by-hiding reasons why this most
likely won't happen, for *any* form of unrouted organizational addresses.
The escrow proposal is to allow this privacy to be bypassed in extreme

> ...Reverse DNS should also be available if particular registrants
> want to list servers.

By definition, organizational addresses are not used to "list" servers
outside the organization. Obviously, the organization's internal DNS will
have to treat these addresses as first-class citizens, but I can't see any
reason why we would expect reverse DNS for these things in the global


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