Alain Durand wrote:
> Zefram wrote:
> >Alain Durand wrote:
> >
> >
> >>If this is the case, what will we have gained from fec0::/48?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >The opportunity to avoid this numbering clash.  Idiots who use fd00::/48
> >will clash with each other, but the rest of us avoid clashes with each
> >other and with the idiots.
> >
> If you look at RFC3513, site locals were defined as fec0::/10 (and not
> fec0::/48)
> so you could have done exactly what you describe. There is nothing new.

There is something new: we will have given people a way to get a unique
or effectively unique /48. I think Tim's implementation suggestion (the
"make me a prefix" button) is a good idea, but of course it's outside
IETF scope.


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