I've chewed on this for quite a while, and I think some derivative
of "private" would be good but a suggestion we heard earlier is
even better. I recall seeing some time back the suggestion of
"Organizational Addresses", and I think this fits best of all.
An "organization" could be the company I work for, the PTA
for my child's school, the International Red Cross, me and my
buddy list, etc. etc. The sort of addresses we've been talking
about would enable intra-organizational networking whether the
members are located within the same "site" or different "sites".
So, as a parting comment on this subject thread, I would like
to re-iterate the earlier proposal of "Organizational Addresses".
Even better would be "Organizational-Scoped Addresses" (no
three-letter acronym needed in either case).
Fred Templin

Bob Hinden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 12:58 AM 11/24/2003, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>Politically, calling them private addresses will work best, even
>if it offends end-to-end purists such as myself.
>I don't think cute geek acronyms work for this. We're looking for
>a suitable chapter heading for a dummies' guide book.
> "Configuring private addresses for your network."

This could be:

Private IPv6 Unicast Addresses (PUA)

or perhaps:

Globally Unique Private IPv6 Unicast Addresses (GUPA)


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