
Pekka Savola wrote:

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Fred Templin wrote:

Generally speaking, it seems appropriate to exclude implementation
alternatives only if they are known to cause operational issues.


Traceroute not working (without unnecessary delays) is a serious
operational issue, IMHO.

I'm not quite as concerned about traceroute as you seem to be, but I do agree that other mechanisms that rely on ICMPv6 might suffer from a poor choice of rate limiting schemes. (Well, OK; traceroute is a useful tool too.)

I'll give some consideration to the token-bucket thing; my main
concern is that min/max values for the rate-limiting parameters
'B' and 'N' are not currently specified. If reasonable values can
be determined, perhaps I will revise my opinion about exclusion
of the other schemes.


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