Hi Margaret,

> I'm not sure if these are logical reasons, but...  I am
> concerned about making a change that will invalidate any
> existing ICMPv6 implementations, unless that change is
> absolutely necessary (e.g. to block a serious security
> hole or to prevent a significant operational problem).
> Would it work to state in the new draft that implementations
> SHOULD implement the Token-bucket method, but MAY implement
> the other methods?

As Pekka already pointed out, all the three methods are provided
as examples. The draft mandates the rate limiting by saying:

"an IPv6 node MUST limit the rate of ICMPv6 error messages it sends"

and then it provides examples by saying:

"There are a variety of ways of implementing the rate-limiting function,
for example:"

So I don't think we will be doing anything bad by removing the
bad examples.

The Timer-based method does create an significant operational 
problem i.e. it breaks traceroute.


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