MRs on different links?
> => There are many different reasons. I sent a verly long
> email about this to nemo (monet back then). One simple
> scenario is that you might be walking around with a PAN
> that happens to have 2 MRs on a single link (e.g. a laptop
> and a mobile phone). The two MRs could share the same ingress
> link and have different egress links. For instance your laptop
> might have a WLAN card and your mobile might have a cellular
> interface. Once you walk into an airport lounge or starbucks
> you'll suddenly have a multihomed PAN. By definition, each MR
> must have a separate home prefix. So each will advertise
> a different prefix on the ingress side.

Hi Hesham:

I fail to understand the "by definition" here. Nemo does not prevent 2
different MRs from registering the same MNP. It's like multiple parallel
routes. What's not duplicated is the Home address... In fact, I proposed
a test to check that both registrations actually end up in a same link,
otherwise there's a problem equivalent to the DAD problem in MIP6. Not
much success on that proposal, though


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