> Issue description:
> RFC 2461 is not clear on whether it is possible for 
> a node to act as a router on one or more interfaces 
> and a host on other interface(s). The distinction
> between the two functions is not clearly done on
> a per interface basis. 
> Suggestion: We need to explicitly state that the 
> distinction between acting as a host or router 
> is configurable for each interface. 
> The following text is included in section 6.2.1 of the 
> current draft:
> For each multicast interface:
>    IsRouter       A flag indicating whether routing is enabled on 
>                   this interface. Enabling routing on the interface 
>                   would imply that a router can forward packets 
>                   to or from the interface. 
> This issue is now resolved

        sorry about late comment, but how far would you like to go?
        like interface A forwards to B (and vice versa), and C-D, ...
        how would you describe?

        i'm for simple "router or host" in document, and leave per-interface
        "router" as a exercise for reader ("virtual router" concept is not new
        so vendors will make such device anyways).


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