On Nov 19, 2004, at 12:57 PM, Bill Fenner wrote:
I think loosing the ability to cut and paste these addresses is a
problem.  The % is in widespread usage today.

Indeed, that's why this whole thing is a sticky issue and there's no obvious answer. My FreeBSD and MacOS machines all use the % too, and have for years.

I don't think that they are actively used for significant operations. Yes, they are implemented (inconsistently) on multiple platforms (some allow names to occur after the '%", while others assume that the zone ID will be a small integer), but I do not think that adding a new delimiter would have an adverse affect on working software. In particular, it would give all of the implementations a single standard definition to implement towards.

My dump question (that exposes my lack of knowledge about URIs/etc.) is
since the literal IPv6 address are enclosed in "[" "]" to allow for the ":"
in the literal IPv6 address, why can't the "%" be used in the same
way? For example:


Please excuse my ignorance on this, but it would be good to explain this
(and include this information in the draft).

You're right, we probably distilled the discussion a little too much. We should add a third entry to the list and list its pros and cons for a bare %.

The basic issue is how special % is in URLs, because of
percent-encoding.  Section 2.4 of draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis
(the full Standard URI spec, currently in the RFC-Editor's queue)

   Because the percent ("%") character serves as the indicator for
   percent-encoded octets, it must be percent-encoded as "%25" in order
   for that octet to be used as data within a URI.

The newer IRI spec (in IESG Evaluation; draft-duerst-iri-10.txt)
specifies an encoding of URIs to IRIs that assumes that any percent
anywhere in the URI begins a percent-encoded octet.  Allowing a
bare "%" would complicate these rules quite a bit.  There would be
no way to know without parsing the URI further whether the % began
a %-encoded octet or not.  (An accidental example of how ambiguous
this can be is the one of the link-local addresses of my home system:
fe80::240:5ff:fe42:d6de%de1 - %de is a legal percent-encoded octet,
or the introduction of a zone ID "de1".)

More importantly, use of percent in the host portion of a URI is known to be non-interoperable. Most compliant implementations do not expect percent-encodings in the IP literals and thus will attempt to pass the '%de1' on to the system library for conversion to an address. Other implementations will see it as an error. Some implementations will look for and decode anything that looks like a percent-encoded octet as soon as the component is extracted from the URI, regardless of the specification. Thus, the only interoperable URIs are those in which percent is not used in the host component, which is why the URI syntax does not allow them in host except as required for IRIs.

There is nothing we can do in the specifications to change the
fact that using a % as a zone ID separator in URIs will result in
interoperability failures.  Those applications are already deployed.
It would be easier to change all of the deployed operating systems
that contain IPv6 to allow an additional delimiter character if
cut-and-paste is really important.


Roy T. Fielding                            <http://roy.gbiv.com/>
Chief Scientist, Day Software              <http://www.day.com/>

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