On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 17:02 +0100, Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
>Jeroen Massar wrote:
>>>Ok, so that's an option.  Another is to just say that when 33 multicast
>>>is not available for broadcast, just use ff broadcast.
>> Which is what various drivers already do. Most of the time when you have
>> a card and RA's don't work, ifconfig eth0 promisc and done.
>I don't think 'ifconfig eth0 promisc' (provided card supports this) is a 
>proper way to say that IPv6 works over Ethernet.  'promisc' simply 
>nullifies all other Ethernet address processing.

But it gets your multicast to work and that is the trick. Note that you
can also try 'allmulti', which on some cards/drivers is enough to get
multicast going.

>If people do ifconfig eth0 promisc in order to have IPv6 working then 
>this should be at least documented somewhere.

This works for broken network cards/driver combinations.
Usually the driver was to blame as it would work on Windows(tm) ;)

In short: complain to your vendor to make it work.
Or vote with your money and get something that works out of the box.


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