
This part was never the problem. The problem is that immediately afterwards, it says:

   A second type of IPv6 address which holds an embedded IPv4 address is
   also defined.  This address type is used to represent the addresses
   of IPv4 nodes as IPv6 addresses.  This type of address is termed an
   "IPv4-mapped IPv6 address" and has the format:

Now it doesn't say that IPv4-mapped addresses are also deprecated, but I'll promise you that a significant number of people are going to think that they are because of apparent guilt by association. The fact that the "IPv4-compatible" and "IPv4-mapped" are highly abstract and not easy to tell apart for someone new to the material isn't going to help either.

Not to be difficult, but I am not convinced this is a problem and that we need to clarify that IPv4-mapped are not deprecated. Unless others think this is important to clarify, I am leaning to keeping the text as is. If you disagree, please suggest text.

The IPv4-mapped address are defined in the IPv6 Address Architecture (i.e., in this document) so adding a reference would be problematic :-)

Not unless this part constitutes the entire definition. A little recursion can work wonders now and then.

That is the "entire definition". As discussed in an earlier email, a reference is being added to point to RFC4038 that describes usage.



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