Thomas and Jordi,

I of course share the worry that the operators will start charging
differently different size end-user allocations. However, I feel there
is little we can do about the in the IETF and therefore I would see that
we should not use too much time on this.

I think the only practical thing we can do is to advice that the
end-user network will have enough addresses to satisfy its communication
needs to avoid the introduction of e.g. NAT into IPv6 networks.



On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 11:11, ext Thomas Narten wrote:
> Hi Jordi.
> > I've read yesterday this document, and I'm basically ok with it, but with
> > two considerations that I think must be worked out it parallel somehow:
> > 1) HD-Ratio modification, as it seems to be an integral part of the
> > discussion.
> IMO, changing the HD-ratio is a no-brainer, and I suspect that many
> people feel the same way. It's an easy change to make and has minimal
> impact. Indeed, there is already an ARIN proposal to do this:
> So yes, I expect this will be done and will personally push to see
> this happen.
> > 2) I've the feeling that if we suggest the ISPs to move to a /56, they will
> > then charge the customers (SOHO, end-users) or create to them a lot of
> > troubles to get a bigger prefix when this is needed.
> We should be careful NOT to assume that just because something is done
> one way in IPv4, it will be similar in IPv6.
> Indeed, I think one of the big cultural changes w.r.t. IPv6 is the
> notion that end sites get subnets (emphasis on plural) where this is
> clearly NOT the norm for IPv4 today. My sense is (from talking to folk
> in the RIR community) is that they all believe this, and that ISPs
> working with IPv6 also get this. So I think we've already changed the
> starting point here.
> Also, in IPv4, the existing practice is to give out a single
> address. There are multiple reasons for this, some cultural (i.e.,
> status quo). But another point that I think people sometimes forget is
> that the existing protocols and busines practices have been built
> around giving out a single address (rather than a subnet) and such,
> getting a subnet is, in fact, an exception to the norm. As we know,
> exceptions can cost more, i.e., in terms of help desk support, etc.
> So even though ISPs in IPv4 do tend to charge more for "more than one
> address", the reasons for that are a bit subtle, and when they say its
> because "more address just cost more", that is really just FUD. In no
> case can the case be made that it is because the extra addresses
> actually "cost more", i.e., in terms of RIR policies.
> Again, my sense in the RIR regions is that folk want the RIR policies
> to be very clear that addresses should be available to end sites at
> very low cost (i.e., essentially free), and that the cost of a /48
> should be the same as a /56 or /64. And with DHCPv6 prefix delegation
> (as the protocol/operational mechanism for achieving this) I think we
> are on track to see the right thing happen.
> To ensure that happens, the RIR policies will need to be sure that
> when LIRs need more space from RIRs, the justification should be
> based entirely on whether the existing space is sufficiently utilized
> (based on the HD-ratio) with the metric being completely neutral as to
> whether end sites are getting /48s or /56s. 
> > My feeling is that today we believe that 8 bits for subnetting is
> > enough, but I think will not be the case soon and this barrier will
> > then be again a stopper for enabling innovation.
> I think there is a general feeling in the RIR community that folks
> that ask for more than a /56 should generally get it more-or-less by
> asking. I'd welcome help in how to word this. What we don't want is
> folk automatically asking for a /48 "just because they can". In
> practice, a /56 will really be enough for a large percentage of end
> sites, for a long while. Hence, the current "justification" for space
> is probably best expressed in terms of size of a site in terms of
> subnets. That is something objectively measurable and captures the
> sense of whether additional space is really needed.
> > I know this one is somehow not an IETF business, but we must be
> > worried about that and may be collectively work for the appropriate
> > solution in the appropriate fora.
> We simply need to pay attention to what is going on in the RIR
> community, and followup as appropriate. The good news is that my own
> sense (from going to ARIN meetings for 3 years or so, and attending
> the last RIPE meeting) is that the community there largely shares the
> same goals as I'm hearing here. They do understand that IPv6 is
> different than IPv4 and that we need to focus less on conservation
> than IPv4. I think that most of the community is actually quite happy
> about this.
> > The cost of managing addresses is not a recurrent cost. I mean, it will be
> > ok to charge for a reasonable setup fee if somebody ask for a /48 instead of
> > a /56, but charging 12Euros (or even more) per month per address as some
> > telcos do in EU is a crime.
> No. I think there is no justification (in increased $$) for a /48
> vs. a /56. The RIR policies should be clear about that. That won't
> prevent ISPs from (perhaps) doing this, but they will use weaker
> arguments like "a /48 implies more traffic and therefore more $$". But
> then again maybe not. In practice, with a /56, end sites can generate
> plenty of traffic and ISP charges may end up having to switch to
> something based on actual traffice being carried.
> Thomas
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