Dear all,

Having read the oDAD draft spec and in search of an answer would it be possible if somebody can give assist with the following question?

If the MN has not sent its link-layer address (LLA) in the Neighbour Solicitation (NS) how does the AR know the LLA of the host to forward downstream DURING the DAD resolution period (i.e. 1000ms)?

My question tries to resolve how the forwarding can be effected _downstream_ from AR --> host even if optimistically the node's address configuration is accepted DURING the DAD resolution period.

If I understand correctly, forwarding in ANY direction requires a neighbour resolution (i.e. ARP resolution v6) from an IP address to the LLA address of the destined IP address. In my understanding this is mandated by NUD to enable frame forwarding to the node's MAC destination.

If I see correctly the upstream link transmission from host --> AR would be sorted out by the (oDAD) solicited NeighAdvert received by the host which is fine..

Any answers to this would be appreciated.

many thanks

Nets & Mobile Systems Group

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