Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> We can argue about the meaning of "intrinsically" I guess. But what I mean
> is that they are /48s and I don't expect to see /48s routed globally.

Quickly checking, taking a rather long
raw-dump of it, cut&pasting it into a textfile and doing some shell
magic, I got the following nice prefixes (full list below)

    639 32
    216 48
     32 35
     30 40
    216 48
      1 52
      2 56
     87 64
      3 124
      7 126
      8 128

I therefor can thus easily conclude that filtering is not happening that
heavily at all. /48's actually will EASILY pass most filters. Most of
the /64's are IX prefixes btw. Until we get certificates in BGP and
until routing strain is not being felt and operators don't want to
filter having a /48 from any block will be easy. Most ISP's do only
accept 2000::/3 indeed though.

Btw, that covered 1088 different prefixes using 89441 possible paths and
only 814 unique ASN's in those paths. So already there are a couple of
ASN's announcing multiple prefixes: 1088*100/814 = 13.3% overhead there.
If thus every active-ish ASN today got a prefix, we would end up with
40k + 13.3% =~ 53k prefixes. Still a lot lower than IPv4, but in that
setup I am assuming nobody will be doing TE, and people will do TE.

> Architecturally, they are certainly routeable (and so are /128s).
> But I am sure they will be filtered.

I have also seen /128's globally being routed over multiple ASN's see
below the /128's are present.


      1 16              (2002::/16 :)
      2 19
      3 20
      3 21
      1 22
      3 24
      2 26
      2 27
      5 28
      1 29
      2 30
      1 31
    639 32
     10 33
      3 34
     32 35
      1 36
      1 39
     30 40
      4 42
      1 43
      3 44
      5 45
      7 46
      1 47
    216 48
      1 52
      2 56
     87 64
      3 124
      7 126
      8 128

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