At Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:07:34 -0400,
Suresh Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    I would like to make the following editorial change to the upcoming 
> Privacy Addresses RFC.
> I would like to add the following sentence to section 3.2.1 step 4
> This list currently includes the reserved anycast interface identifiers 
> listed in [RFC2526]. This list may be expanded in the future to include 
> further interface identifiers.
> after this sentence
> Compare the generated identifier against a list of
> reserved interface identifiers and to those already
> assigned to an address on the local device.
> Please let me know by June 29 2007 if you have any objections.

I don't have an objection to the idea of including RFC2526 per se, but
I have a concern:

This reference (RFC2526) was not included in
draft-ietf-ipv6-privacy-addrs-v2-05 and will be newly added to the
final RFC version-05, right?  If so, which category are you intending
to specify for this reference, normative vs informative?  It cannot be
normative since RFC2526 is a proposed standard while the privacy
address RFC will become a draft standard; but I'd categorize it as
normative in the above context because implementors must refer to
RFC2526 to implement the privacy-addrs spec.

A possibly related comment: there is a dangling reference in Section 8
of the 05 version of I-D:

   1.  Excluded certain interface identifiers from the range of
       acceptable interface identifiers.  Interface IDs such as those
       for reserved anycast addresses [RFC], etc.

I guess the "[RFC]" should actually be "[RFC2526]".  (Sorry if this
has already been pointed out).

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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