
Wrt to what you asked as follows put within square brackets by me
followed by my reply.

[On a related note, I've heard that some operators intend to deploy DHCP
service using RA with M=1 and no PIO.  I don't understand how  
they imagine the "on-link flag" to be propagated in that scenario.   
The "on-link flag" seems to be clearly in the domain of router function,
not dynamic node configuration.  Is that to be described in the
forthcoming Internet draft?]

In an aggregation router network, all host behind broadband modems are
always off-link as we have explained in this mailer - see one of my

So there is NO NEED to propagate any on-link flag is such a network. 

The physical connectivity of such networks prohibits hosts behind modems
to talk directly to each other even when a pair of hosts are in the same
link. The hosts have to send their traffic to the aggregation router.
That is why IPv6 hosts in an aggregation router deployment are always
off-link. So how does one signal off-link in RA? One way is to send no
PIO in RA. See section 2.1 of our I-D for how this signals off-link, and
under what conditions, and for what IPv6 addresses (link-local or
non-link-local addresses). Our I-D is at:

Do read section 3 of our I-D that described aggregation routed

While I have everyone here, when will folks agree that some cases for
on-link determination are not clear in 2461bis and such cases need to be
clarified - that is the reason we wrote the I-D above. If on- vs.
off-link is not clear, data forwarding and address resolution of
behavior of hosts gets affected - these are key features of a host
operation and hence on- vs. off-link should be crystal clear! Maybe our
late-breaking I-D was a bad timing for 2461bis authors, but the facts
still remain that our I-D is worth an Implementation Guideline and be
considered as a WG item for v6man. That is why we have also collected
some bugs in IPv6 ND implementation and listed them in section 7 of our
I-D keeping the format of the bugs ala RFC 2525.

Do humor me and let I and Wes know how many other ways exist for an RA
to be specified to signal off-link mode to hosts?


-----Original Message-----
From: james woodyatt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [dhcwg] Re: prefix length determination for DHCPv6

On Aug 17, 2007, at 11:36, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
> To stop unnecessary DHCP traffic. [...]

I think what we're seeing here is a vocal faction of the community who
believe that DHCP discovery multicasts are always necessary, whether RA
is present or not, and whether M=0 or M=1, despite the text in RFC 2462.

Here's what they seem to be saying: wherever a DHCP server *may* be
present, DHCP discovery *MUST NOT* be prevented and *SHOULD NOT* be
delayed.  If you agree with that, then perhaps it also makes sense to
move prefix and default gateway assignment into DHCP for the purpose of
improving efficiency.  The DHCP advocates seem to view RA with M=1 as
basically superfluous to the process, unless it can be made to signal
effectively that nodes *MUST NOT* perform stateless autoconfiguration.
Alas, unfortunately for them, RFC 2462 doesn't do that.  In fact, it
explicitly states that a node *may* always perform stateless autoconf
after receiving RA with M=0 containing a PIO with A=1, and hence the
kvetching about rogue advertisers.

There is a closely related problem here in the language of RFC 2462.   
Notice how the state of the ManagedFlag conceptual variable is specified
during processing of Router Advertisements.

> Section 5.2 Autoconfiguration-Related Variables
>  Hosts maintain the following variables on a per-interface basis:
>       ManagedFlag      Copied from the M flag field (i.e., the
>                        "managed address configuration" flag) of the 
> most
>                        recently received Router Advertisement message.
>                        The flag indicates whether or not addresses are
>                        to be configured using the stateful
>                        autoconfiguration mechanism. It starts out in a
>                        FALSE state.
> 5.5.3.  Router Advertisement Processing
>    On receipt of a valid Router Advertisement (as defined in
>    [DISCOVERY]), a host copies the value of the advertisement's M bit
>    into ManagedFlag. If the value of ManagedFlag changes from FALSE to
>    TRUE, and the host is not already running the stateful address
>    autoconfiguration protocol, the host should invoke the stateful
>    address autoconfiguration protocol, requesting both address
>    information and other information.  If the value of the ManagedFlag
>    changes from TRUE to FALSE, the host should continue running the
>    stateful address autoconfiguration, i.e., the change in the value 
> of
>    the ManagedFlag has no effect.  If the value of the flag stays
>    unchanged, no special action takes place. In particular, a host 
>    NOT reinvoke stateful address configuration if it is already
>    participating in the stateful protocol as a result of an earlier
>    advertisement.

I see only one invocation of RFC 2119 requirements language in there,
and it's to apply a curious injunction not to restart DHCP discovery
every time RA with M=1 is received while ManagedFlag is TRUE.  All the
rest of the verbiage about the ManagedFlag conceptual variable amounts
to a recommendation that DHCP discovery should be deferred until the
first receipt of RA with M=1 at the interface and should remain in
operation until the interface disconnects.  One interesting consequence
of this verbiage is that it recommends setting the ManagedFlag to FALSE
upon receiving RA with M=0.  When the next RA arrives with M=1, the node
will then be free to restart DHCP  
discovery because the above requirement will no longer apply.   
(Whether it *will* is not specified.)  This basically nullifies the
utility of the one instance of RFC 2119 requirements language in how the
ManagedFlag is to be handled during RA processing.

As I said, it's very curious.

I think the new 6MAN working group should take up a project of
clarifying the requirements for processing router advertisements in
IPv6 nodes.

On a related note, I've heard that some operators intend to deploy DHCP
service using RA with M=1 and no PIO.  I don't understand how  
they imagine the "on-link flag" to be propagated in that scenario.   
The "on-link flag" seems to be clearly in the domain of router function,
not dynamic node configuration.  Is that to be described in the
forthcoming Internet draft?

james woodyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
member of technical staff, communications engineering

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