(I realize this list might not represent the bulk of the deployed IPv6
networks... nonetheless, I'm curious.)

This is an informal survey of what is deployed in terms of IPv6 networks.
Do you use autoconf only, static assignments only, or a mix?

Any additional info about what, why, etc., would be interesting.

Please include one of the lines:
straw poll: mix
straw poll: auto
straw poll: static

And if you want to give more details:
auto prefix count: <N>
static prefix count: <N>
overlap-mix count: <N> (for subnets that combine hosts doing autoconf with
hosts statically configured)

Reply directly to me, not the list, and I will summarize.

Please preface your remarks with "Confidential" if you *don't* want them
included in the summary, i.e. if they are meant only for me. :-)


Brian Dickson

P.S. This is to gauge the trade-off between deployed *code* and deployed
*networks* is, when considering changes to core IPv6 RFCs.

P.P.S. The original author of the unix "make" utility, knew of a bug, but
didn't fix it because of the installed user base - seven people. He later
apologized for that decision, which caused grief for hundreds of thousands
of developers over the last several decades.

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests: https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6

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