Bob Hinden wrote:
Yes, right after you sent the poll.  See:

I thought it was odd you didn't respond.

Okay, I stand corrected. I got *one* request for a clarification, and it was from Illjitsch. Because of who asked the question and how he asked it, I didn't actually think he was asking a serious question.
(Sorry, Illjitsch - no offense intended.)

Nothing stopped him from providing poll responses with the details others provided. Those who weren't sure, described their set-up, and asked me to categorize it - which I did in the summary.

Nobody else asked any other questions like that, in spite of numerous responses.

Some did ask whether a static router plus hosts all autoconf was mixed or autoconf (IMHO that is autoconf, not mixed).

The rationale behind excluding a (static, RA) router from the autoconf vs mixed question is, if you subtract the router, autoconf can't work since there is no RA. Any set-up which has an autoconf router hanging off a subnet which has another router acting as RA, would still end up classifying the subnet as "autoconf". A set-up where two routers are connected to a broadcast network (ethernet, for example), where only one of the routers is the RA for that subnet/segment, and the other is *statically* configured on that subnet, could be classified either as "mixed", or as "autoconf".

Illjitsch's interface config seemed to me to make his question facetious, for just that reason - he only showed a router config, and made no references to hosts.

If anyone else want to answer the Straw Poll now, with the clarification on this point, I'd be happy to take new answers, and re-summarize....


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