> (I realize this list might not represent the bulk of the deployed IPv6
> networks... nonetheless, I'm curious.)
> This is an informal survey of what is deployed in terms of IPv6 networks.
> Do you use autoconf only, static assignments only, or a mix?

Many thanks to those who responded, although the number of responses was
a bit smaller than I expected.

Here's a rough summary of deployed IPv6 networks:

Number of networks represented: in the hundreds
Proportion all-static: << 5%
Proportion all-auto: ~ 30%
Proportion mixed: ~ 60%
Proportion DHCPv6: << 5%

Interestingly, it would appear that even for all-static, there is
forward-thinking support for autoconf.
Notably, even though they consist only of statically configured servers,
the predominant prefix length is /64.

In one case, multiple /64's were in use, where each /64 was on a
different VLAN, and was used to correspond to an IPv4 subnet, with hosts
numbered by the same host-part of the address.

And a substantial number of respondents could be categorized as running
either personal IPv6 networks for hobbyist set-ups, including IPv6 over
IPv4 tunnels, or lots of R&D subnets.

One respondent pointed out that doing reverse DNS is a major pain in any
kind of autoconf universe.

I didn't get the sense that anyone using any of these methods, were
overly concerned with the details under the hood, but mainly seemed
happy that what they had, was working for them.

If anything, I was surprised that both autoconf-only and mixed
(including autoconf) was deployed as widely as it is.

While this concludes the straw poll, the results themselves may lead to
other discussions, notwithstanding the current state of the IPv6 working

Brian Dickson
fn:Brian Dickson
org:Afilias Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Internet Operations Specialist
tel;work:+1 416 673 4121

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