It is interesting to me that folks have described locator-identifier split as a *real* problem and source routing as a waste of time. As I understand it, one driver for recent loc-id work is a concern over routing system scalability (# of DFZ RIB entries). In the current routing model, if a multi-homed site wants to influence how their packets are delivered, it will often advertise multiple, more- specific prefixes to different peers (leveraging LPM for TE purposes). Unfortunately, this approach drives a cost in the global routing system for which most of the nodes (in that global system) receive little or no benefit. Sites are forced to do this indirect signaling of their routing interests through BGP because there is no explicit method for directing traffic over a particular path / link. This is precisely what source-routing gives you - an explicit method for signaling path preference, and it does so in a manner that (potentially) allows the costs to be better localized to the beneficiaries, rather than incurred by everyone. I do not claim that the current specification or use of RH0 / RH4 is a complete solution, but I think it is incorrect to assume loc-id split and source routing are completely unrelated.

In my opinion, the RH4 draft appears to be heading in the right direction:

1.  Maintains a *general* source routing functionality in IPv6
2.  Makes it required functionality in IPv6 implementations

As others have mentioned (or perhaps decided not to mention), source routing has the potential to disrupt the current pricing / billing model. I also think, though, that the use(s) of source routing and any corresponding evolution of pricing / billing models would be difficult to craft / predict outside the operational network. This is one reason why I support a general source routing function that allows for some flexibility, rather than one specifically tailored to a single purpose. Many people seemed to think RH0 provided too much flexibility - as I understand it, the RH4 proposal attempts to reduce the degree of flexibility (i.e. power) to a more acceptable level.

From my (naive?) vantage point, maintaining source routing as a mandatory part of the spec will help to get the functionality into implementations *before* a demonstrated (profitable) use case. In other words, we create an environment where innovation is possible, and provide a general capability. IP seems to be the right place in the stack to deal with packet delivery and path selection. If implementers are already visiting code to remove RH0, it seems like a reasonable time to add something like RH4. Given the functional similarity of RH0 and RH4, it may be more a code edit than "tear out old, add new."

I agree that the cost to uninterested parties should be minimized - this issue probably needs to be considered at both the node level and the network (ISP) level:

Node level impacts -

The RH4 draft provides some guidance in this area, but perhaps it could be expanded. Some thoughts:

Transit nodes (routers): if the current destination address does not match one of your addresses, don't process the routing header

Destination nodes: if the current destination address does match one of your addresses and there is a source routing header, but you do not have source routing enabled, drop the packet.

We may want to make a distinction between intermediate and final destinations - not sure. Perhaps nodes that are only ever IPv6 hosts do not need the functionality to act as an intermediate destination, but should still accept source routed packets if they are the final destination. In any case, clear implementation guidance should eliminate a number of the problems voiced over RH0.

Network level impacts -

Another concern raised about source routing is its potential to make traffic (trend) prediction more difficult, which would threaten the existing ISP pricing / billing model. This concern seems to be fairly easy to mitigate, however. By reducing the number of intermediate destinations, RH4 significantly reduces the degree of traffic variability resulting from oscillation DOS events (i.e. "bad" variability).

For traffic variability due to "legitimate" uses of source routing, upstream providers can simply adjust their billing model. Returning to the previous example -

A - B -- C - D

If A and D want to support source routing for their customers, but B and C are concerned over traffic predictability, they (B and C) can charge A and D a higher rate. i.e. "if your (A) traffic patterns are less predictable, it makes our (B) statistical capacity planning more difficult so we must charge you more." If the number of source routed packets is low, the impact to capacity planning should be low. As the number of source routed packets increases, the impact to capacity planning may also increase. However, if source routing were to become more widely used, it may well be due to its usefulness to the end-user. In this case, it is reasonable the end-user would be willing to pay a bit more to A for source routing service, which could offset the additional cost of A's connection to B. Since the source route is visible in the IP header (even when encrypted), it is easy to enforce policy - i.e. drop the packet.

I'm sure it is more complicated than this, so I'd be interested in hearing from folks familiar more with the ISP / business side.


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