On Sep 21, 2007, at 15:19, Brian Dickson wrote:
james woodyatt wrote:
Here's why I don't care what documents allow for prefixes lengths over 64 bits: all that hardware and software already shipped to customers that won't and can't use them.

Won't? Without modifications, sure, I agree there.

I think you miss my point. I don't care how easy it is to patch the source code. What I can't do is force customers to upgrade all their network nodes at once with new firmware and operating system software before seeing any benefits of the new protocol. And what are these benefits to the network user? Cheaper numbers from a supply that's already astronomically large?

Go ahead and define a way to extend autoconf to support prefix lengths over 64 bits. I'm just explaining why I likely-as-not won't care. I don't see any real demand for it. I'm also pretty sure that when there *is* a real demand for it, it will either be trivial to do, or it will be extremely tough to do because of something you're not foreseeing about the reasons why a standard /64 interface identifier was thought to be an important design feature in the first place, e.g. RFC 3041, SEND, et cetera.

james woodyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
member of technical staff, communications engineering

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