While the IETF's answer is, effectively, Yes - "/48 delegated to a
household" the world (or atleast ARIN :)) believes /56's are a more
reasonable size - and I tend to agree.

WRT "a reasonable sized ISP with a couple of million customers would require
a /28 or more just for their residential customer base" (nic'ed from another
mail in this thread) ... the IETF says that is fine, they should simply
request the space.  Some have already done so.  
((This concern is exactly why ARIN recommends /56s.  Problem solved?))

PS - fairly late reminder, the v4v6Coexistence "interim" meeting is ongoing
now'ish --> http://trac.tools.ietf.org/area/int/trac/wiki/v4v6interim 

>-----Original Message-----
>Alexandru Petrescu
>Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 9:16 AM
>To: Mohacsi Janos
>Cc: Alexandru Petrescu; ipv6@ietf.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
>Subject: Re: what problem is solved by proscribing non-64 bit prefixes?
>Mohacsi Janos wrote:
>> On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, Alexandru Petrescu wrote:
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> In a typical IPv6 ADSL household landscape...
>>>>> An ADSL IPv6 operational deployment offers a /64 prefix at home.
>>>>> With that, I can't subnet _and_ use IPv6 stateless auto-configuration.
>>>> In a typical IPv6 ADSL household landscape the ISP will assign you a
>>>> /48 with plenty of subnetting space.
>>> Not sure, FWIW, in the IPv6 ADSL household I live in gives me a /64
>>> and not /48 (see draft-despres-v6ops-6rd-ipv6-rapid-deployment-01.txt).
>>> That's typical for me but I don't know about the other deployed IPv6
>>> ADSL, do they give /64 or shorter prefixes?
>> The draft-despres-v6ops-6rd-ipv6-rapid-deployment-01.txt is largely
>> irrelevant in this discussion,
>Well thank you for the note :-)  That's what I live with :-)  I'll deviate
>the discussion in another thread.
>> In general - my recommendation when I giving tutorials about IPv6:
>> - /48 to /128 is delegated to end users
>> - /48 general case, /47 if justified for bigger networks
>> - /64 if one and only one network is required
>> - /128 if it is sure that one and only one device is going to be
>> connected
>> between /48 - /64 up to you if you are cautious about address
>> - but use nibble boundary for easier reverse DNS delegation.
>I think that sounds as good, careful recommendation, except that maybe a
>/48 delegated to a household (be that a castle) is too much.
>> Regards,
>>         Janos Mohacsi:
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