
Please see in line below between "<hs>" and "</hs>" for some more closure over 
what Wes closed in his email to you.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: JINMEI Tatuya / 神明達哉 [mailto:jinmei_tat...@isc.org] 
>Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 8:10 PM
>To: Hemant Singh (shemant); Wes Beebee (wbeebee); erik.nordm...@sun.com
>Cc: ipv6@ietf.org
>Subject: comments on draft-ietf-6man-ipv6-subnet-model-03

>Upon request from the author, I've reviewed the I-D, and here are my

>I have one top level comment: I'm okay with removing the following two
>bullets from the original "on-link" definition of RFC4861

>          - a Neighbor Advertisement message is received for the
>          (target) address, or
>          - any Neighbor Discovery message is received from the address.

>to address security concerns.  But then I'd like to further simplify
>the rule of processing incoming NSes by discarding ones if the source
>address is not on-link.  Removing the above bullets while allowing
>accepting incoming NSes from a non-on-link address (and responding to
>them) could make implementation very tricky for very little benefit.

We have discussed this issue again between myself and Wes and I see no reason 
to change or augment any text in our draft.  Please read bullet 3 of Section 2 
in our draft again including the Conceptual Sending Algorithm in RFC 4861.  The 
ND-cache does not modify the data forwarding table of any ipv6 node and in 
light of this fact, there is nothing tricky we see if a host accepted an NS 
with a not on-link source and also replied to this NS as per RFC 4861 and the 
bullets 3 and 4 of on-link definition are deprecated.

>Some implementations have already adopted this "simplification" to
>address the security concern, and, realistically, I don't think we can
>convince the maintainer to cancel the change and introduce a
>trickier patch to support the very minor case.  The end result would
>be the same: we'll lose interoperability.  Of course, we could blame
>such implementations for being "non compliant", but IMO it's more
>productive to plug the tricky corner case as we'll probably never need
>it in practice.

The reason for accepting an NS message with not on-link source is to allow the 
Neighbor Cache's to be as full as possible to save having to do unnecessary 
address resolutions.  This has been clarified in bullet 3 of section 2 in our 
draft - see specifically the paragraph in bullet 3 that begins with this 
sentence: "The intention of the above feature is to add an address...". This 
does not cause an on-link determination problem, since a host only performs 
address resolution for IPv6 addresses that are on-link.  The reason that this 
works in practice is because RFC 4861-compliant implementations will have a 
separate Prefix List, Destination Cache, and Neighbor Cache.  Further, the 
Prefix List and Destination Cache are used to determine on-link status before 
the Neighbor Cache is consulted.

>Other technical comments:

>- Section 1:
>  Due to the tricky implication on on-link vs being neighbor (see
>  above), if we wanted to keep it (note that I'm against it) the
>  following cannot hold:

>     A host only performs address resolution for IPv6 addresses that are
>     on-link.

>  because the host would have to perform address resolution for a
>  "neighbor" but not necessarily an on-link node.  (if we also remove
>  the tricky implication, this can be automatically solved:-)

I don't see anything tricky, nor do I see any reason for the statement above to 
not hold.  One has to understand the Conceptual Sending Algorithm in RFC 4861. 
If a host is to send a packet out, the Destination Cache is looked up for the 
destination IPv6 addr.  If the Destination Cache doesn't have the destination 
IPv6 addr, then the next-hop determination process is invoked that will first 
check the Prefix List for the destination IPv6 addr to map to any prefix in the 
Prefix List. If the destination addr matches a prefix in the Prefix List, then 
the destination is considered on-link.  Once the destination has been deemed to 
be on-link, the ND-cache is looked up to see if a L2 to L3 mapping exists so 
that the packet can be sent out to the next hop.  If the ND-cache doesn't have 
the destination address, then an address resolution is invoked.  Therefore, 
according to the Conceptual Sending algorithm described above, when the address 
resolution is issued, it has been already esta
 blished the destination is on-link.  The statement in the Introduction section 
is summarizing this fact.  



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