Given that LISP ITRs work by intercepting packets that are not addressed to them, a host implementation would need to be able to intercept packets "in the stack". That is going to need some ability to modify kernel behavior.

(1) ITRs don't receive packets. They encapsulate packets.

(2) ETRs receive encapsulated packets addressed to one of their RLOC addresses.

(3) For Map-Requests, there are 3 forms:
i. Encapsulated Map-Requests which are originated by the map- server the ETR is registered to
        and is addressed to the ETR.
ii. Map-Requests which are addressed to EIDs but are traveled over the ALT. Only when an ETR is attached to the ALT (not a standard configuration recommendation), that it must process a packet that is not addressed to it. But this is a packet destined to port 4342 and not 4341.
        UDP port 4342 is the control port.
iii. Data Probes (which is not default and probably will be deprecated behavior) are addressed to EIDs which ETRs must intercept. They are addressed to UDP port 4341. Data Probes can be sent on the underlying network (LISP variant 1) or sent on the ALT which means the
         requirements in ii must be adhered to.

(Yes, I think we will see LISP enabled hosts. I don't think mobility is the only case where this will happen. But it will mean someone has modified the kernel to do so.)

I would not recommend it and I believe won't be accepted for the same reasons that shim6 wasn't accepted. You will use locator aggregatability for EID-prefixes if you do. The mapping database will be unnecessarily large. IMHO, a non-starter.

Where you can aggregate EIDs, you should. In a roaming case where you may not be able to, then you don't.



Dino Farinacci wrote:
Hi Dino,

On Aug 11, 2009, at 11:37 AM, Dino Farinacci wrote:

On Aug 8, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Dino Farinacci wrote:

The spec says ETRs MUST ignore the UDP checksum field. This is what the LISP authors intended and has been implemented this way.

The spec says ITRs MUST set the UDP checksum field to 0.

Could you tell us how to achieve this on commonly deployed desktop software/hardware that has two properties:

We don't want this rule on commonly deployed desktop hosts.

I am not sure what you are saying here. I can think of two possibilities:

(1) You don't want LISP to be implemented on commonly deployed desktop hosts.
Right, it is a network based solution.
(2) You want to change the document to state a different rule, so that LISP can be implemented in a compliant manner on desktop hosts.
That is not what I am suggesting.

Could you elaborate?


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