On 02/08/2010 15:07, "Wes Beebee" <wbee...@cisco.com> wrote:

> One of the problems I have with this draft is that I don¹t think all of the
> hardware platforms necessarily will support it in hardware.  Saying, ³oh well,
> it¹s a layer violation², is not good enough ­ we routinely look at the
> ethertype (in the L2 header) of the packet and match it up with the L3 header
> to prevent bogus packets from exercising paths in the router that can lead to
> crashes.  This is called
> ³sanity check², and it is used for both security and stability reasons.  Just
> because the RP doesn¹t do this kind of check (presumably for
> performance/layering reasons), doesn¹t mean that the check isn¹t being done in
> hardware.   Good luck trying to get the hardware teams to upgrade their
> hardware...
> Woj> It¹s useful to point out that such a check is done based on L2/L3 source
> addresses, NOT destination. As per the other thread, we¹d be interested to
> hear of documented cases where such L2/L3 destination checking is used for
> mcast. We have not found any.
> -Woj.
> - Wes 
> On 7/31/10 1:54 AM, "Fred Baker" <f...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> This is to initiate a two week working group last call of
>> draft-gundavelli-v6ops-l2-unicast. Please read it now. If you find nits
>> (spelling errors, minor suggested wording changes, etc), comment to the
>> authors; if you find greater issues, such as disagreeing with a statement or
>> finding additional issues that need to be addressed, please post your
>> comments to the combined lists.
>> We are looking specifically for comments on the importance of the document as
>> well as its content. If you have read the document and believe it to be of
>> operational utility, that is also an important comment to make.
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>> ipv6@ietf.org
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