On 8/23/10 5:11 AM, sth...@nethelp.no wrote:
>> These mechanisms are applicable to any type of link, would preserve the
>> simplicity of universal 64 bit IIDs and the other benefits of them e.g.
>> CGAs, as well as avoiding the ping-pong problem.
> IMHO, the "universality" of 64 bit IIDs went down the drain the moment
> router vendors allowed longer than 64 bit netmasks to be configured.
> For the routers I am most familiar with (Juniper, Cisco), longer than
> 64 bit netmasks have been configurable for many years. And such masks
> are heavily used for provider backbone links.
> The IPv6 standards community can of course continue to pretend a belief
> in universal 64 bit IIDs - thus ensuring that they are out of touch
> with IPv6 reality...

I think it can be demonstrated that reality includes longer prefixes
than /64. The document needs to be unequivocal about that fact. or more
to the point that it is altering that specifications as they stand now.

> Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no

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