Hi Fernando,

I have a question on:

Unless I misunderstand something, you're proposing that a flow-label be 
constructed using the IPv6 Source & Destination values as input-keys to a hash 
function as follows:
   Flow Label = counter + F(Source Address, Destination Address, Secret Key)
If you do the above, then intermediate routers that are performing LAG and/or 
ECMP load-balancing will not be able to use the flow-label as an input-key for 
calculating a load-balancing hash.  Instead, intermediate routers will have to 
fetch a 5-tuple of {Source IP, Destination IP, Protocol, Source Port, 
Destination Port} from the IPv6 header to calculate a load-balancing hash (and, 
at the same time, completely ignore the flow-label as an input-key for its 
flow-based load-balancing hash, since it's redundant).

Why couldn't (or, shouldn't) the hash function instead use the following:
   Flow Label = counter + F(Source Port, Destination Port, [Protocol], Secret 

If you did this, then intermediate routers & switches that were performing LAG 
and/or ECMP load-balancing could easily use the following /fixed-offset/ header 
fields as input-keys to the load-balancing hash:
   Load Balancing Hash = F(Source IPv6 Address, Destination IPv6 Address, 
"draft-gont" Flow Label)
IMHO, this would allow draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security to nicely/peacefully 
co-exist with widely deployed/used flow-based load-balancing schemes for LAG 
and ECMP.


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