
On Sep 7, 2010, at 14:17 MDT, Steven Blake wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Sep 2010 13:58:21 -0600, Shane Amante <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Fernando,
>> I have a question on:
>> Unless I misunderstand something, you're proposing that a flow-label be
>> constructed using the IPv6 Source & Destination values as input-keys to
> a
>> hash function as follows:
>>   Flow Label = counter + F(Source Address, Destination Address, Secret
>>   Key)
>> If you do the above, then intermediate routers that are performing LAG
>> and/or ECMP load-balancing will not be able to use the flow-label as an
>> input-key for calculating a load-balancing hash.  Instead, intermediate
>> routers will have to fetch a 5-tuple of {Source IP, Destination IP,
>> Protocol, Source Port, Destination Port} from the IPv6 header to
> calculate
>> a load-balancing hash (and, at the same time, completely ignore the
>> flow-label as an input-key for its flow-based load-balancing hash, since
>> it's redundant).
> Shane,
> I don't think your conclusion follows.  One thing you want for LAG/ECMP is
> for each flow from a given <src_addr, dst_addr> to have a unique FL value. 
> Fernando's algorithm achieves this by incrementing counter for each new
> flow from that address pair.

OK, thanks for the clarification.  IMHO, that (last part) wasn't clear in my 
reading of the draft.

> With that said, I don't think this algorithm is necessarily ideal.  The FL
> value for any two flows from a <src_addr, dst_addr> pair may only vary by a
> few bits, so if a switch/router uses a poor hash algorithm for LAG/ECMP,
> you may not get a good load spread.

Agreed, I share your concern that the "counter" is a linear sequence.

>> Why couldn't (or, shouldn't) the hash function instead use the
> following:
>>   Flow Label = counter + F(Source Port, Destination Port, [Protocol],
>>   Secret Key)
>> If you did this, then intermediate routers & switches that were
> performing
>> LAG and/or ECMP load-balancing could easily use the following
>> /fixed-offset/ header fields as input-keys to the load-balancing hash:
>>   Load Balancing Hash = F(Source IPv6 Address, Destination IPv6
> Address,
>>   "draft-gont" Flow Label)
>> IMHO, this would allow draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security to
>> nicely/peacefully co-exist with widely deployed/used flow-based
>> load-balancing schemes for LAG and ECMP.
> If you include protocol/src_port/dst_port in the hash, there is nothing
> preventing two flows from the same <src_add, dst_addr> from sharing the
> same FL value, due to a hash collision.

I'm not sure I understand.

I thought that, as you pointed out above, the "counter" was the method to 
prevent/reduce collisions of FL values?  From my original e-mail:
>>   Flow Label = counter + F(Source Port, Destination Port, [Protocol], Secret 
>> Key)

If anything, I would think with new transport connections, using ephemeral 
ports, being opened all the time, a combination of F(src_port, dst_port, 
[protocol], secret key) _and_ the counter would provide more entropy to the FL 
values vs. just using the IPv6 addresses in F().

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