On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 12:10:41 +0200 (CEST)
Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010, Rémi Després wrote:
> >> As far as I know Apple doesn't support DHCPv6 at all.
> >
> > You are misinformed, and that's IMHO important information: I have been 
> > using IPv6 from my MacBook SINCE DECEMBER 2007.
> http://ipv6int.net/systems/mac_os_x-ipv6.html
> "Mac OS X does not include DHCPv6 software in the base operating system."
> http://ls.berkeley.edu/mail/magnet/2008/0629.html
> "Cheshire appears to be justifying Apple's complete
> lack of support for DHCPv6 in MacOS."
> Yes, you might have been using IPv6 but have you been using DHCPv6? The 
> link you provided doesn't include the word "DHCP" (or DHCPv6) at all.

And this is the problem. Now you want to create a third (fourth?*)
autoconfiguration option, and it is already hard enough to get two
supported universally.

I'm surprised people don't see the logic problem when they say "method
XYZ isn't supported widely because the code hasn't been written, so
lets fix that problem by inventing another new method" - for which
neither the specifications or the code hasn't been written either.

* Assuming a baseline of DNS being the only additional parameter over
  addresses, you'd end up with -

o RA/SLAAC/Stateless DHCPv6
o RA/Stateful DHCPv6
o Stateful DHCPv6 Only

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was right, "Less is more".

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