On 2011-01-06 02:15, RJ Atkinson wrote:
> A) Prohibiting new IPv6 Extension Headers outright, 
>    as Joel has repeatedly suggested.  This removes the
>    narrow case where RFC-2460 allows Extension Headers,
>    so the I-D would be an Update to RFC-2460.

My reaction is that this is going too far, and isn't actually
necessary. We have words in 2460 that already make it quite hard
to define a new header. We have running code proof (in the form of
non-existent IPv4 options) that it's in practice impractical to
deploy such things, for exactly the reasons we've been discussing
(routers are not forward-compatible, and firewalls block unknowns
by default, both being partially embedded in silicon).

But who knows what the future may bring, in 20 or 40 years from now?

So I am more inclined to a SHOULD NOT approach; I think I'm agreeing
with a somewhat stronger version of Suresh's proposed paragraph.
At least, add

...accompanied by ... and a convincing explanation of a successful
progressive deployment model for the proposed new header.

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