On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 16:59, Manfredi, Albert E <
albert.e.manfr...@boeing.com> wrote:

> I guess I'm missing what the solution is.
The solution is for providers to not give out just /64s :).

> As 3177-bis says, the IETF has no control over how service providers hand
> out IPv6 address space. From what I've been reading in the past few years,
> it looks like at least some providers are planning to give /64s to
> customers.

Really?  None of the ISPs I have spoken with, and certainly none of the ones
I have worked with, are following a /64 per client plan.  I have discussed
/48s vs /56s vs /60s ... but never a /64.  If you know of any /64ers, please
name-and-shame them - or atleast push them to start thinking more clearly!

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