In your letter dated Tue, 31 May 2011 12:37:05 +0200 you wrote:
>Or you have the wrong provider... but if this is the only provider =
>available in your area, that can offer you a symmetric 100 MBit/s fibre =
>connection for business purposes, what are you going to do? Move your =
>whole company elsewhere? I don't think so. Sometimes it is also a =
>question of money; you can have a larger prefix, if you are willing to =
>pay ten times the price, which is not acceptable for every company in =
>the world.

If the only provider available doesn't do IPv6 at all, then what do you do?
If you want a separate guest net for wifi and you only get one a /64, then
what do you do?

You can't engineer protocols around providers that want to make their
customers misserable.

There are plenty of /48s for everybody. Let's use them!

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